Our Offerings

Our healing arts offerings embody four interwoven themes:

Me As Tree (walking Our Talk)

Walking Our Talk

We honour all Gifts, welcoming Resilience as Wounded Healers, and prioritizing sustainable life-long reflective practices as helpers, advocates, and activists. We model wellness, peace building, and ethical behaviour as necessary for a good life - pimatisiwin.

Spring Fast (revitalizing Spirituality)

Embracing Cultural Knowledges

We seek ways to revitalize cultural connections through embracing healing powers of Creativity: Stories, Songs, Ceremonies, Indigenous Languages, and all Healing Arts. We acknowledge and honour land-based teachings to restore Interdependence - to Reconnect, Respect and Protect Mother Earth and All Our Relations.

Rematriate Fire

Recognizing Collective Trauma

We recognize the interconnectedness of Lived, Historical, Ancestral, Collective, and Ecological Traumas and know that healing through arts-based, trauma-informed, and strength-oriented perspectives necessarily includes both enhancing personal wellbeing and inspiring social change.

Me As Forest Emergence

Restoring Relationality

We acknowledge the centrality of restoring and rebuilding harmonious and reciprocal Family, Community, Tribal, Societal, and Ecological Relations. We embrace respect for and with All Beings as core within integration and healing Circles.

© Artwork by Fyre Jean Graveline

We are here for and with you and your team.

Contact us to request an appointment for virtual tea with Dr. Fyre Jean Graveline (RSW, RCAT) to chat about your specific curiosities and challenges.