Walking Our Talk - Self-Care Studio

Facilitated by Dr. FyreJean Graveline RSW RCAT and Jean Tait, RCAT

Fyre Jean Graveline
Jean Elizabeth Tait
Gestating A Divine Vision 1
Gestating A Divine Vision
© Fyre Jean Graveline

Are you a practitioner of the Healing Arts, such as Art Therapists, Social Workers, Counsellors, Nurses, and Expressive Arts Therapists?

Join us for an ongoing arts-based holistic self-care healing journey exploring natural wellness metaphors and holistic teaching model that emphasizes Indigenous perspectives on several interwoven processes:

  • Power of Lived Experience and our ongoing need to recognize and address internalized and externalized oppression (decolonization).
  • Value of being grounded in Indigenous spirituality, gained through actively engaging in cultural revitalization.
  • Embracing Feminist philosophies, including “personal is political” and encouraging sustainability in our ongoing engagements in Institutionalized Systems and Processes.
  • Ecological Connection and Earth Activism as self-care, through re-establishing our embodiment as Earth Relatives and Protectors.

Saturdays: February 25, March 25, April 29 & May 27
Sign up for one, two, three, or four sessions.
1-4 pm Atlantic | 12-3 pm Eastern | 11 am-2 pm Central | 10 am-1 pm Mountain | 9am-12 pm Pacific
Online through Zoom. You will be emailed a Zoom link a few hours before the event.
Prices: See below.
Space is limited to 24 participants.

Sliding-Scale Pricing

Paying a little more helps offset the cost for those who need to pay a little less.

$55/session – Sustainer price. Helps pay it forward.
$40/session – Supporter price. Pays for you.
$25/session – Community price. Supported by your peers.

All prices are stated in Canadian dollars.