Healing our Fragmentation: ReImagining our InterDependence
Facilitated by Dr. FyreJean Graveline (RSW/RCAT) and LIFE as Medicine Grandmothers and Wisdom Weavers

Are you inSpired to deepen your knowledge about Indigenous Healing Wisdoms and Practices for working, playing and praying with Indigenous Peoples? Are you on a Healing Journey and would appreciate support with integrating holistic, strength-oriented, creative, and collaborative practices offered by skilled and knowledgeable Indigenous Teachers and Healers? What do Our Ancestors/Descendants wish to Share with us? We will be flowing with.in two well-loved Indigenous Healing Practices: the Medicine Wheel and the Sharing Circle.
Join Dr. Fyre Jean Graveline (RSW, RCAT), Métis Artist, Author, Healer and Teacher, and a lively lovely group of LIFE as Medicine GrandMothers, Wisdom Weavers and Collaborators for our upcoming Series.
Healing our Fragmentation: ReImagining Our InterDependence
A 7 week series to be offered Jan-May 2024.
All sessions will be on Saturdays at 10 am-4 pm Atlantic | 9am-3 pm Eastern | 8 am-2 pm Central | 7 am-1 pm Mountain | 6 am-noon Pacific
We are taking a Hybrid approach. Joining us in person will allow for an optimal experience, with all materials and lunch provided. Simultaneously a live-streamed Zoom session will be available for those further away, or when winter weather conditions make travel difficult.
We are Listening! In response to your requests, we are revamping our registration process to allow you to Join Us for one or more selected dates for Healing our Fragmentation: ReImagining our InterDependence at a fee of $199 per session. We also welcome pay-what-you can arrangements and can provide scholarships. If interested in options please reach out to Kathy at
Sending in your registration to by e-transfer (Interac) saves the fee incurred by using a credit card for payment.
- Jan 27, 2024: Opening Round: Welcoming Our Ancestors and ReConnecting to Self, Relatives, Earth Mother. Create Safer Space with Nesting Eco Bricolage. Arting, Sharing Circle Processes and Protocols.
- Feb 10, 2024: Eastern Door: Mental Healing: Recognizing and Repairing our Fragmentation. Experience Indigenous Mindfulness: Flower Power. Sharing Circle: Clearing Confusion, Embracing Connection.
- Feb 24, 2024: Southern Door: Spiritual Healing: ReAwakening Ancestor/Descendant Resiliencies. Participate in a Re-Awakening Ceremony. Smoke and Fire Arts. Sharing Circle: What do Our Ancestors/Descendants wish to Share with us? What is our Calling? our Sacred Path?
- March 9, 2024: Western Door: Emotional Healing: ReCreating Harmony and Flow with Feelings and Family. Engage with Soul Food: Playing and Praying with Foods. Sharing Circle: Letting our Hearts Speak: ReLeasing Grief and Fear, ReStorying Love and Gratitude.
- March 23, 2024: Northern Door: Physical Healing: ReEmbodiment through Earthing and Art. Ground with Land-Based EcoArts Meditation and Arts Creation. Sharing Circle: Letting Our Bodies Speak: Pain and Pleasure as Teachers.
- April 6, 2024: We are both Earth and Sky: We are One. Deepening InterConnection and InterDependence through Breathe, Sound, Movement and Art. Sharing Circle: OneNess: All Healing, Heals All.
- May 4, 2024: Closing Ceremony, Art Show and Sharing Circle. EcoBricolage on Integration and Seed Planting. Open by Invitation to All Our Relations.