Stories of Hope & Resilience Opening Gathering

Healing Opportunities for Sixties Scoop Survivors in Mi’kma’ki

LIFE as Medicine is honoured to announce that we have recently received funding through a grant from The National Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation to provide opportunities to bring healing to Sixties Scoop Survivors, descendants, and family members in Mi’kma’ki.

We welcome you to join us at this special gathering.

September 23, 2024
11am – 4pm
Camp Kidston, Nova Scotia

Arrive at 11am, with lunch provided at 12:30pm. From 2-4pm, we will have Opening Ceremonies, cultural support and healing arts offerings, and opportunities to connect with other Survivors and members of the LIFE as Medicine Leadership and Support Team.

If you have questions about this event, please contact our Land-Based Offerings Coordinator: .

Funding for the Sixties Scoop Survivors: Stories of Hope and Resiliency program is made available through a generous grant from the Sixties Scoop Survivors Healing Foundation of Canada.

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Registration Form

Please help us plan by telling us you will be coming and if others will be accompanying you.

This form may be completed by a Sixties Scoop Survivor, or a friend or relative.