We are approaching the winter solstice,
a magical time of new beginnings
to welcome Grandfather Sun's
energy to move us forward.

Workshops, Events & Professional Development Sessions
LIFE as Medicine facilitated a number of virtual, in-person, and hybrid workshops and events this year, including the Walking Our Talk online Self-Care Studio, the Empowering Women and Girls Through Art Therapy two-day immersion course, and a number of Sustain.Ability workshops and events, including the Creating a Community of Sustainability Together and Sustain.Ability for Arts Therapists in-person workshops in Nova Scotia, as well as two virtual workshops, sustain.ability and flower power, in collaboration with EMRG BIPOC expressive arts group (Toronto). We also offered professional development sessions for Anderson Services (Ontario), the Francophone School Division in British Columbia, and for the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.

Ecobricolage artwork of a bowl filled with sweet grass, nesting materials, stones, a flame in the centre, and a feather
Let There Be Light © Fyre Jean Graveline (EcoBricolage)
Painting of a tree-being reaching towards the sun made of food pigments
Reaching For Light © Fyre Jean Graveline (Soul Food)

Collaborative EagleVision
LIFE as Medicine regularly facilitates a Collaborative EagleVision online course in the winter/spring (view the past winter 2023 course), and in the autumn (view the past autumn 2023 course). This year two concurrent pathways were introduced: the Southern Door for Indigenous practitioners and the Eastern Door for BPOC and Settler Ally practitioners. The next Collaborative EagleVision Southern and Eastern Door Pathways will begin in February 2024.

Me as Tree: We as Forest ~ Eco-Arts Healing Retreat
We are also offering two Me as Tree: We as Forest Eco-Arts Healing Retreats at The Deanery Project (Eastern Shore, Nova Scotia) for the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. Participants take part in a fun-filled land-based weekend retreat that emphasizes all ages and all stages healing together through connection with.in, between relatives and with Mother Earth and All Our Relations. In honour of the upcoming Spring Equinox and Earth Day, our next Me as Tree: We as Forest Eco-Arts Healing Retreat will be held April 19-21, 2024. Registration coming soon.

News & Updates
LIFE as Medicine continues to plant and water seeds to grow into a Healing and Teaching Lodge (School) where Indigenous, BPOC and Settler Ally practitioners, community workers, educators and helping professionals will be able to earn Indigenous Healing Arts certifications. The ongoing Indigenization of our governance processes is very important to us, and we have held two ReMatriating our Governance Gatherings, one in Spring with Collaborator Dr. Lana Whiskeyjack (Alberta), and one in Fall with our Beloved Elder Mae Louise Campbell (Manitoba) joining us. We have held lively and informative meetings with Provincial Regulators in Nova Scotia, the National Indigenous Accreditation Board (NIAB) and the Whitten Caribbean University. We have been diligently working with consultants around the creation of a viable Business Plan which is required to move forward with educational offerings on local, national and global levels. We have been developing stronger links to International Communities through being featured in the IEATA newsletter; presenting at the World Art Therapy Conference, and being interviewed by Lynn Fraser for the upcoming Radical Recovery Summit.

Artwork of sun rays made of tea bags and food
Light Returns © Fyre Jean Graveline (TeaBag and Food)

Chi-miigwetch for your ongoing inspirations, support, participation, donations, engagement, and contributions to our shared LIFE as Medicine vision. As we head into our Winter’s rest and reflection; let us replenish our Spirits with dreams of joining Together in the New Year on a transformational arts-based Healing Journey.

Gentle Holidays to you,
LIFE as Medicine Grandmothers, Wisdom Weavers, Collaborators, and Staff

Upcoming Workshops & Events in 2024​

Healing our Fragmentation: ReImagining our InterDependence • January-May, 2024

Collaborative EagleVision • February-March, 2024

Me As Tree: We As Forest ~ Eco-Arts Healing Retreat • April 19-21, 2024 (registration coming soon)

A Gift For You

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